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des corsaires de feux Teckel poil long

Teckel poil long

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congratulations with perfect dachshunds

Hello! I was charmed by your dogs since I first opened your websight. As I was searching for a choco long standart boy I asked many breeders, here in Russia, and one of them - Tatyana Sicheva ( she has got three standart wire-hair dogs from France) recommended me your Ecler, just to look at him. But when I saw Ultima - my heart stoped. The only question - is she a standart girl? If yes - do you plane to mate her? with best regards Maria my dog - it is to show you my serious intentions towards your puppies

18/10/2007 - Maria

Congratulation cordiale

Bravo pour ton succès de super à la nationale, tu peux etre fier; qu´avec " mon" beau garcon?

20/08/2007 - Kretschmer, Brit